Do prostrations – FRANCE TU ngondro

Do prostrations – FRANCE TU ngondro


prostratedFrench religious practice opening prostration Ngondro role is extremely important in the current era of development. Practice opening is carefully prepared for the main practice – Mahamudra Mahamudra. This is not the practice of anonymous posts "brokenhearted" for new people entering the door leading, that really is the key to open the door of enlightenment for those who want to enter the house of Dharma. There have been many masters practice this Ngondro practice and he realized the nature center right in the opening practice. With the new beginner in meditation, the practice of introduction of this third practice, four or more times mandatory before being allowed to proceed to more advanced practices.

French convent in the opening two sections are fundamental and Inner Ngondro Ngondro. Called basic, platform because of the practice of knowledge and practice in this phase is the first step, indispensable on the path Vajrayana. Without a solid understanding of Theravada and Mahayana which directly down into the Vajrayana, you can not cultivate sustainable progress, even you can not understand or could fall into the wrong view of misconceptions due to lack of experiential wisdom and this extremely dangerous.

prostratedTrue to its name, Ngondro basically a mandatory practice of the teachings of Theravada platform Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. In this practice, Princess of meditation, Your access to and progress in understanding, knowledge of four French restaurant "rotate back to France," including: meditate on the human body is difficult, about Death and Impermanence, of causality, and suffering of samsara. Thanks to this meditation, mind we removed the attachment, appreciate the value of human life and uses his body a useful way to practice Buddhism.

After practicing subtle Ngondro Fundamentals, you move on to practice Inner Ngondro. Opens with method development prostration Bodhicitta vows to quickly attain enlightenment for the salvation of all sentient beings, Here is the Mahayana. Thanks refuge prostration, we develop reverence center where Jewels. This is the only means to help us get rid of samsara. Our body and mind very defilements, unclean, meridians or chakra is blocked. Thanks to training to practice this prostration, body and mind will gradually be cleansed easily help us realize the nature of his natural heart.

prostratedThe next section is practiced Vajrayana. You practice Vajrasattva (Buddha Vajrasattva) to repentance purifies all the karma, Newspaper northeast of defilement has accumulated from many lives and to receive the blessings purity. Next you need to practice your hardware is Mandala to accumulate a wealth of merit and renounce the attachment to material possessions worldly. And finally the Guru Yoga. Come here, you can build bridges, realize the nature center duality between you and rank your guru, and received the blessing of the guru transmission leg in Lineage.

Extracted from the Dharma King Gyalwang Drukpa

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